Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

imajinasi di pagi hari

jadi ceritanya, gue lagi SAT nih... oke...buat yg gatau SAT..gue bikin kalimat lebih sederhana deh.. SP... --___--"
kebetulan.. mata kuliah yang gue ambil di SAT ini adalah ******* *** ******* ********* atau yang biasa disingkat "****" oleh anak-anak. iya iya gue geblek... cuma "*******" yang artinya "*******" aja gue ga bisa.. T^T
entah siapa yang salah.. ya sudahlah..

**** ini mulainya jam 8 pagi,, sedangkan jam 8 pagi adalah jam dimana mood gue masih acak-acakan dan gue masih belum puas meluk guling gue dengan brutalnya... walhasil.. ketika kuliah dimulai dan gue liat diktatnya... gue iseng kerjain 2 latihan sekaligus dengan mengabaikan kaidah-kaidah tata bahasa dan hanya mengandalkan imajinasi gue yang bisa dibilang kelewat bebas pagi itu -___-'

dan hasilnya adalah???
hasilnya ada di bawah ini:

Exercise 1:

Here is a picture of the place where you will spend your vacation.

(gambar perahu layar di tengah laut)

Make predictions on your vacation.

1. How many friends will join with you on your vacation?

Maybe just 5 persons

2. 2. What will you do during the day?

Sailing, fishing, swimming, diving, or maybe just sightseeing -_______-"

3. 3. What will you eat?

Seafood or just snacks

4. 4. Where will you stay?

In my boat…all over the sea until we meet the Flying Dutchman >:3

5. 5. What will you wear?

N***d!! Err.. maybe…:3

6. 6. What will you buy?

I think there are no shopping malls or craft store overseas -__-V

7. 7. How will you feel when you come home?

Thanks God… I’m ALIVE! m(u,u)m


Exercise 4:

Here is a picture of the place where your friend will spend his/her vacation.

(Gambar pegunungan dan hamparan sawah)

1. 1. What will your friend do during the day?

Maybe just walk on the rice fields or hiking or just sightseeing

2. 2. What will your friend eat?

Wind --___--"

3. 3. Where will your friend stay?

Wherever will be.. Will be… '___'a

4. 4. What will your friend wear?

A costume from their favorite anime and mine will be the Totoro costume :3

5. 5. What will your friend buy?

Maybe they will bought the rice fields or the mountain $____$

6. 6. How will your friend feel when your friend come home?

They thought that they were a millionaire even it just a dream or they are a real millionaire in monopoly board game =))


Kan... betapa gebleknya imajinasi gue disaat hari masih pagi...makanya kalau masih pagi,, jangan memancing daya imajinasi gue sedikitpun atau hasilnya bakal kayak postingan diatas... -____-'

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